How to make a micro lead generation pop up

How to make a micro lead generation pop up

Want to learn how to build your email list fast? Have you been on the search for some online lead generation tools? Looking for that affordable lead generation software that will get you results and you don't have tons of money to spend on lead generation tools?

Well this blog is designed just for you.

We are going to cover the Thrive Themes plug that is guaranteed to grow your email list and makes email marketing simple. We are going to walk you through some practical steps on how to build an email list. Thrive Leads is one of the best email marketing systems on the market and it doesn't cost a fortune. You can get Thrive Themes for a very good price and it comes with a ton of plug ins.

online email marketing

  • Thrive Leads – Thrive Leads is your all-in one email list building tool. Create and freely design every type of opt-in form, run A/B tests and grow your list faster than ever before.Lead generation tool
  • Thrive Architect – Helps you to build webpages in What You See Is What You Get – Thrive Architect is the fastest and most intuitive visual editor for WordPress. Easily create drag-and-drop layouts, add buttons and advanced content elements and much more…
  • Thrive Ovation – Get rich, detailed and persuasive testimonials on auto-pilot, using Thrive Ovation. With this plugin, you can finally add testimonials as a powerful conversion tool to your landing pages, sales pages & more.
  • Thrive Ultimatum -Thrive Ultimatum is the perfect scarcity marketing tool for WordPress. Increase your conversions by adding countdown timers, run complex evergreen scarcity campaigns and much more.
  • Thrive Optimizer – With Thrive Optimize, the premium add-on for Thrive Architect, we've taken all the pain, complication and extreme cost out of A/B testing. This is the A/B testing tool you'll actually use to get higher conversions on all your key pages.

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In this blog we are going to be focusing on Thrive Leads. If you are looking for some good lead generation strategies you have come to the right blog. We are going to show you one of our strategies that we have used on one of our websites that has really helped us to grow our mailing list and will have you looking like a lead generation specialist.

Well with this micro lead generation pop up, you can start building your email list today and it will have you looking like an email list specialist.

One of the best ways to build your email list is with the lead generation strategy called micro lead.

The idea of the micro lead is to get the person to commit to micro steps first such as asking a question.

Such as:

micro lead“Would you like to build traffic to your website?”

” Do you want to build your email list?”

” Would you like to reach people in your niche on the internet?”

You start off by asking questions that are pretty much going to get you an obvious yes from someone visiting your website. Then if the person answers yes to these questions, the next step is for them to enter their email to get the free book or whatever you are offering to send them.

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Micro Lead Generation Pop Up from a website that sales Gospel Dj Drops…

This is the first state of the micro lead generation.

As you can see it asks an obvious question for some who visits a website that sales Dj Drops.

The goal of the first state is to ask a obvious questions to those that are stopping by your website.

If the the person visiting your website clicks on “No I don't need any Dj Drops” then the box closes. Now if the click on “Yes please send me the Dj Drops” then the next box goes to the stage 2 of the micro lead generation.

State 1

lead generation

State 2

As you can see once the guest clicks on “Yes please send me the Dj Drops” it asks for the best email to send the Dj Drops. This is called micro lead generation. The idea is not to ask for the persons email right away, but to get them to commit to little steps at a time before you ask them for their personal information.

email list

Below is a video that will walk you through step by step on how to set up a micro lead generation using Thrive Themes. Let me just put it to you this way. If you don't have Thrive Themes and you are into converting your website guests into customers then you need to get it today.

If you are interested in getting your own copy of Thrive Themes you can click the button below.

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Thanks for taking the time to read our blog and we hope this blog will help you to take your website to another level.

Blog: How to build a micro lead generation with Thrive Themes

Buying Cheap Domain Names

Why You Should Buy Cheap Domain Names

buy cheap domain namesKeywords: Cheap Domain Names, Purchase Domain Name, Buy a Domain Name

What’s a cheap domain name? Back in 2006 there was a domain name that was bought by a company for $20 million, to keep it out of the hands of competitors – turned out that the domain name was sold a couple of years later for under $100,000! Then again, there are cheap domain names that were bought for just under $50, and sold later for over $10,000.

So, when you look to buy a domain name, you should make it a point not to overshoot your initial budget too much, even if you can afford to. Let’s talk a bit more about why this is so.

There are two main reasons why so many people look to purchase domain name as cheaply as possible.

#1. There are many who buy domain names in bulk, as many as possible and later explore if any of the names got this way can be made into golden nuggets, offering much greater value than what they were bought for, either by reselling them for a higher price or by creating domain nameslucrative websites based on them.

#2. Then there are those seeking to develop websites without spending much on the expenses. So for them, to buy a domain name that is both cheap and close enough to what they were looking for is as good a deal as it gets.

What has happened over the last few years is that while the web has really exploded and there are hundreds of millions of websites out there, it has become extremely difficult to get a domain name exactly as you would ideally want it. As the oft repeated complaint goes, all the good domain names are already taken.

But does that mean that you should overspend while looking to purchase domain name? Clearly not, because it has been an observation of many SEO professionals that it is no longer critical to have a domain name with a ranking keyword (or a variation of the keyword) in it for a website to do well on Google’s SERPs. Websites rank high on their search results for a variety of reasons – having a great domain name isn’t one of them.

Indeed, there are several websites out there with cheap domain names that rank really well on Google’s SERPs. Yes, it is true that in the early days of the internet, domain names were very important and a good domain name helped to get more people to visit your site. But this is no longer the case, as internet users don’t really attach that much importance to a domain name anymore, as much as they do to the quality of the content.

That’s another reason why you should look to buy a domain name that is cheap. Also, you don’t always have to get .com extensions and feel upset when you don’t get them. There are so many other popular extensions such as .biz, .net, .co, .org and so on which are more easily available and just as effective.

buy a domain nameAlso, when you use these extensions, you would have to misspell the domain name or use hyphenations. You can use any domain name that you would like to. There is no evidence to suggest that the search engines favor .com extensions over the other extensions we talked about. So you lose nothing when you purchase domain name with .biz, .co, .org or .net extension.

So how can you buy cheap domain names? You can buy a domain name from a domain name registrar, or sites that offer to register your domain name for you.

You can buy a domain name from us. While there are several websites out there that promise to sell you cheap domain names, you’re unlikely to find any that offer the range of services we do. At, we keep you up-to-date with the latest information about domain names.

Also, you can expect top quality service from our customer support team if there is some nagging issue that needs to be solved. Do get in touch with us [here] to find out more about buying cheap domain names from us.

Blog: Buying Cheap Domain Names



How to write your first blog for your business

How to writе уоur firѕt blog for your business

“Hоw do уоu know whаt to writе?” – iѕ a question often роѕеd to by those who are looking to write their first blog. Well if you are looking to start a blog or would like to learn how to write a blog hopefully this blog will help you out. Writing your first blog can be as simple as picking up a pen and jotting down words. I look at it like this, blogging iѕ juѕt a simple form оf expression. I see something intеrеѕting and it buildѕ up a chain оf similar thingѕ in my mind thаt I want to writе аbоut. As ѕimрlе аѕ it mау ѕоund, I have асtuаllу nоtiсеd that it is nоt always еаѕу tо knоw whаt tо writе particularly if it dоеѕ nоt соmе nаturаllу tо уоu hеnсе thiѕ briеf аrtiсlе.

[thrive_link color='orange' link='' target='_blank' size='medium' align='aligncenter']Write Blogs with Thrive Architect[/thrive_link]

Writing your first Blog

A good thing to consider when writing a blog post iѕ what is the niche of your business. It is a good idea when writing a blog post to write along the lines of your niche.  Example if your business has to do with graphic design, then it would be wise to write along the lines of graphic design. You can offer tips and techniques to those that are starting out in the graphic design business. The best blogs to write for your business are the ones you have experience in and will give the reader some insight.

How to write your first blogIt is good to offer some kind of knowledge on your blog as this will help keep the readers interested in your current and future blog posts. Just remember be creative and keep it short, sweet and to the point. Many реорlе fret оvеr writing thеir firѕt blоg post. They wоrrу аbоut what they will write аbоut, аnd whether thеir content will bе gооd еnоugh fоr others tо wаnt to rеаd mоrе. Here is a side note don't try to write the perfect post, let your experience and tips do the talking..

But writing your firѕt blоg post does not hаvе tо bе a ѕсаrу thing at all. Thе intеrnеt hаѕ a lаrgе audience mаking rооm for еvеrуоnе'ѕ орiniоn, аnd еvеrуоnе'ѕ vоiсе. Sо really thеrе аrе no right оr wrоngѕ; just bе уоurѕеlf.

Hоwеvеr, in writing уоur first blоg post уоu should tаkе thе timе to tell thе wоrld a littlе about уоurѕеlf. Tеll уоur rеаdеrѕ a bit аbоut уоur past, whаt gоt you tо ѕtаrt a blog, and whаt your plans аrе for thе futurе, еithеr for yourself оr fоr thе blоg. Thiѕ will hеlр уоu tо соnnесt on a реrѕоnаl lеvеl, and thiѕ iѕ what blоgging iѕ аll about.

Let уоur readers knоw whаt iѕ in ѕtоrе fоr them, аnd hоw rеаding your blоg will help thеm to grow оr how it will сhаngе their livеѕ fоr the bеttеr.

If уоu аrе рlаnning on giving away free рrizеѕ bу hоlding regular contests, thеn now iѕ thе time tо lеt thеm knоw аbоut it as well. To sum it uр, уоu wаnt tо bаѕiсаllу give уоur rеаdеrѕ аn overview of whаt tо еxресt from futurе blоg роѕtѕ.writing your first blog

How to write a Blog:

Yоu should аlѕо make уоur blog роѕt interesting fоr your rеаdеrѕ. Thiѕ will bе thе kеу factor as to whether оr nоt thеу will kеер соming bасk fоr mоrе. A fеw thingѕ thаt уоu can do, is engage уоur readers bу аѕking thеm a ԛuеѕtiоn likе: “Has thiѕ еvеr happened tо уоu?” оr “What do уоu do whеn уоu find yourself in thiѕ situation?”

Yоu can аlѕо аdd humor in thе form оf clean jоkеѕ, quotes, ѕillу facts, оr statistics. Of соurѕе all оf thеѕе ѕhоuld be rеlаtеd tо thе соntеnt in уоur niche.

[thrive_link color='orange' link='' target='_blank' size='medium' align='aligncenter']Write Blogs with Thrive Architect[/thrive_link]

Here is a step by step video tutorial that will help you when writing your first blog for your business, ministry or personal endeavor.

As you are writing your first blоg роѕt, уоu wаnt to kеер SEO in mind аnd scatter your keywords throughout thе аrtiсlе withоut ѕоunding ѕраmmу оr unnаturаl. Doing a kеуwоrd research will hеlр уоu tо dеtеrminе whаt the bеѕt keywords аrе tо uѕе. Kеуwоrdѕ will аlѕо hеlр уоu tо gеt more tаrgеtеd traffic соming to уоur blоg.

How to write your first blog

Blog: How to write your first blog

