Affordable SEO for WordPress

Affordable SEO for WordPress: Is there such a thing?


What is SEO Ranking?

SEO is short for Search Engine Optimization. In short, SEO is the strategy of getting Free or also known as organic traffic from search engines to your website or blog.

Major search engines such as google, bing, and yahoo have what you call search engine results. This where the search engine looks at the content in the title tag, meta description and also the content on the web page and depending on the words that are typed into the search engine, displays the google listings according to relevancy.

Example: If I type in the words “seo ranking” into a search engine and hit enter. Google, yahoo, or bing will display the top web pages or blogs that the search engine considers  to be most relevant to that keyword -( seo ranking )

Now there are different slots on the results page such as slot 1, slot 2 slot 3 and so on. Each results page has about 8 to 10 different slots.

Here is an example of a search result after I typed the word “seo ranking” in the google search engine:


As you can see indicated by the red arrow I typed in the word “SEO ranking” in the google search engine and here are my results.

At the very top of the page there will be what you call paid ads, but we are not going for paid ads we are going for organic traffic, so I didn't list those.

I scrolled down the page to the organic traffic and this is what we got.

The numbers from 1 to 6 represent the position of each search result that came when in typed in the search term or also know as keyword “seo ranking”

The goal of SEO Ranking is first of all to get your listing to show up on the first page of google. Then after that try to get your google listing to show up as number 1 on the first page of google and that is what you call seo ranking.

Affordable SEO Ranking is hard to find now a days especially with so much emphasis on SEO and seo companies charging a fortune.

Well that was until you came across this blog on SEO tips and techniques that are guaranteed to boost your google ranking using FREE SEO tools..

Is there Affordable Google SEO?

The answer is yes. Now let me explain what I mean by saying yes to SEO being affordable.

I know there are many people and many seo companies out there that are charging a lot of money for SEO. Unfortunately, there are not too many cheap seo services if any, but I am going to show you how to do wordpress seo using seo keywords for free. Yes for free, but my learning came with a price.

I tried one of these seo companies, whose name I will not mention, and they charged me $99 a month for SEO services. You can guess what happened to my website rankings, nothing.

After four months of paying $99, they told me it takes time and my website is going to rank in google, just keep paying us. After the 4th month I cancelled my seo service, and they got off with my $400 and this is a big name company.

I would dare to say, that I am not the only one who has an SEO story like this.

Now I am answering the question of is “SEO affordable?”

My answer was yes and let me explain why I say that.

When I got ripped off $400 from the so called seo experts and that big-name SEO company, I learned from this experience. I challenge myself to learn seo techniques and I was on a mission.


I started researching and looking into seo trainings that would teach me how I can improve my SEO skills, which at that time I knew nothing about.

I started listening to Basic SEO tutorials, reading blogs on SEO, and I even bought a book on SEO (which was a little bit too complicated) so I didn’t even read it, but this is how my SEO journey began.

What I have learned is that there are 3 basic things that are important when it comes to SEO. Now I am sure SEO experts will probably tell you there are more, and I am sure there is, but these are the 3 things combined with FREE seo tools that have helped me take my websites to another level in the google search rankings.

I will walk you through each step and how I use them to perform seo analysis for my websites. I will also walk you through the steps that I take to optimize my homepage for SEO using FREE seo tools that google provides.

Speaking of FREE seo tools, did you know that google gives you some amazing tools that you can use to optimize your website for search engines for FREE?

That is why I say seo is affordable, because everything that I am going to show you on how to optimize your Website can be done for FREE.

Many people are charging for SEO tools, but did you know that basic SEO can be done for FREE!!!

Here are some results of one of my websites. These are results that I have gotten using the seo tips that I am going to show you below.


In case you are not sure how to read this graph, let me break it down for you. What I am going to show you is called Google Search Console to do a Website SEO Analysis.

How does Google Search Console graph work?

The First column in blue is called Total Clicks, the second column in teal is called Total impressions, the Third column in green is called Average CTR, and the fourth column in purple is called Average Position.

Okay let’s go through each one step by step, but before we do that let me explain to you how keywords and google search engine works.

Ok say I am interested in learning about SEO, so I go to and I type in the words “learn SEO.”

When I typed in “learn SEO” (which we learned earlier the words I type are also known as keywords) there are certain google listings that show up in the google search engine.

The first google listings at the top of the page are google paid ads:


The next 4 google listings that show up are what you call organic search, that means these are free listing that google displays according to the “keywords” that are type in the search engine.


Now the goal of SEO is to get your website to show up on the first page of google results when someone types in a certain keyword. Why is the goal to get on the first page of google search results? Well because not too many people click on the next page or the page after that once they have typed in a certain keyword. Meaning if you are on the first page of google for a certain keyword, then your chances of someone clicking on your website listing are a lot better than if your listing shows up on the second or third page.


How to use Google Search Console…

Google Search Console Explained:

Ok now I will show you what these columns mean and how they can show you how well you are doing with your seo strategies and your seo ranking.

Total Number of Clicks:

The first column in the blue which is labeled total number of clicks shows how many people clicked on my google listing once it showed up in the search results. This number represents actual visitors to your website from the google search engine.

Total Impressions:

This column represents how many impressions or how many times your listing showed up in the google search engine, once a certain keyword was typed. People pay a lot of many to get their website or blog to get impressions on google and other places, but I am going to show you how to do this SEO technique for FREE.

Average CTR

CTR stands for Click Through Rate. What that means is this: say my Total number of impressions is 1,000 and my Total Number of Clicks is 10. In order to get my Click Through Rate you take 1,000 and divide it by 10 and this gives you a 1% Click Through Rate. Meaning 10 out of 1,000 impressions of my google listing in the google search results, 10 people actually clicked on my google listing and went to my website.

Average Position

This is the average position that your listing showed up at in the google search engine once a keyword was type in. I will take a look at the previous image that we viewed earlier to explain Average Position.


As you can see once we type in “Learn SEO” we got certain results in the google search engine for those keywords. Now the results from top to bottom are numbered 1, 2, 3 and 4.

So, if my listing is at the top it has a position of 1. If my listing is second it has a position of 2 and on and on. So if my listing on say on page 3 and it shows up as the 15th listing my position would be 15. So when google search console says your average listing is 4 that means it has an average of showing up as number 4 in the google search.

If you would like to know what keywords are causing your listing to show up in the google search engine, then I encourage you to enroll in my SEO online course where I explain this process in detail.

How to optimize your site with on page SEO:

Okay no we know how to read the results in the google search console. Let me show you how to optimize your website with on page SEO. This will get your website to get more impressions, more clicks and increase your click through rate, that will eventually increase your position in google.

Step 1 – Optimize your Title Tag


The first thing you want to do is decide what keywords you would like to rank your website for such as what we used in our example “learn seo”.

Let me also mention that you can also use google search console to see how many times a certain keyword is searched for on a monthly basis in the google search engine.

In the example below, we see that dj drops has a volume of 5,400 and custom dj drops has a volume of 480. That means that people are typing dj drops 5,400 a month and they are typing custom dj drops 480 a month in the google search engines.

So, with this information in mind, it is good when you are targeting a specific keyword in your seo strategies to target keywords that have a decent search volume.

Now once you have decided your keywords, I usually go for 3 keywords at a time, you want to make sure you put them in your title tag.

Note: You want your sentence to make sense when you insert them, you don’t just want to insert these keywords in any order.

Example: If I am targeting the keywords: 1- on page seo 2 – google seo – 3 seo company. May Title tag can look something like this.

Keep in mind your title tag should be no more than 60 characters and don’t feel you need to have all your keywords in your title tag, but the more you can fit the better.

Title Tag Example:Amazing on page seo strategies | Learn google seo for FREE

Here is a free Video from my SEO online course on how to optimize your Title Tag:

You want your Title Tag to be attractive so that when it appears in the google search results people want to click on it. The more clicks you get the more you improve seo ranking in google.

Step 2 – Optimize your Meta Description


Now that you have optimized your Title Tag you also want to optimize your Meta Description. This is the part that appears in google underneath your Title Tag.

Okay now let’s do a Meta Description example using the same keywords:

1 – on page seo, 2 – google seo, 3 – seo company.

Keep in mind your Meta Description usually be no more than 160 characters. You can go over 160 characters, but I wouldn’t exceed it by too much. Once again you want to try and fit as many of your keywords in this section as possible. Also, if you haven’t mentioned all your keywords in your Title Tag make sure to mention that one here.

Meta Description Example:

Tired of giving all your money to a seo company? Learn on page seo and take your website or blog to another level in the google seo rankings by using FREE tools.

Here is a FREE video from my SEO Class on how to optimize your Meta Description:

As with your Title Tag: You also want your Meta Description to be attractive so that when it appears in the google search results people want to click on it. The more clicks you get the more you improve seo ranking in google.

Step 3 – Optimize your on-page SEO

As with inserting your keywords in your title tag and in our meta description, also want to insert your keywords in the content in your website or blog.

Here is a link a blog that we optimized for these 3 keywords: 1- best seo tools, 2- seo optimization, 3- how to get ranking in google

Click here to read the blog.

Here is a FREE video from my seo online course that walks you through the process of optimizing for on-page seo.

As with your Title Tag and your Meta Description, you also want your on-page seo to be informative and keep the attention of the visitor. The longer someone is on your page, the better your website will rank in google.


Boost your SEO ranking today with affordable SEO

I haven’t been doing WordPress SEO for too long, but I have learned a few tips that have helped me rank my websites for some pretty good keywords.

So, to answer the question of ” is there such a thing as affordable google seo ?” I say yes! It just takes a little bit of research and time. If you practice the basic SEO techniques that I showed you, your website or blog will be well on its way to climbing up the google rankings.

You will be surprised of how many people are searching on the internet for cheap seo plans, but I have come to find out that the cheapest seo plan is the one you do yourself. So go ahead an practice these tips and  boost your website ranking in google today for FREE…

Oh wait,  it cost me $400. Ha Ha just kidding, but I have turned that $400 into a motivation of learning seo for myself and it is coming along.

Let me know in the comment section of how these tips have helped out your rankings.

Pastor Dre 

SEO For Beginners: Learn SEO Optimization

SEO For Beginners: Want to learn Google SEO Optimization?

If you have a desire to learn Google SEO optimization, looking for an easy to follow SEO course, or you are a beginner to SEO and you are ready to take your SEO training to another level, then this SEO training course is designed for you.

The tips and techniques you are going to learn in this class can also be applied for ecommerce search engine optimization, small business SEO and who knows maybe even start your own seo optimization company.

Instead of looking for an affordable SEO company and give your money to a high cost professional SEO company – take this course and start doing on page SEO yourself and save tons of money. You can be your own Search engine Optimisation company.

SEO for beginners

Not just knowledge but actual results

I have personally applied the tips and techniques that you will be learning in this course and I can see a huge improvement in my website rankings on google.

So, if you want to optimize your website for your small business, church, or music group, then you should enroll today.

You have nothing to lose as this class comes with a 30-day money back guarantee.

You don’t have to be an expert SEO artist to get your rankings to climb the charts in google.

I walk will you through step-by-step on how you can increase your visitors, increase your website impressions and increate the clicks to your website using the web analysis process. This exciting thing is that everything I am going to teach you in this course can be done for FREE!!! Who doesn't want to improve their Website Ranking for FREE?

Even if you are a complete beginner to SEO, this class is designed just for you. I am by no means an SEO Expert, but I do have a little experience and have used these techniques to improve my Website Ranking in the google search engines for many of my websites .

In this SEO for Beginners Course:

  • I will teach you how to track your visitors
  • I will teach you how to optimize your Title Tag for SEO
  • I will teach you how to optimize your Meta Description for SEO
  • I will teach you how to optimize your On Page SEO
  • I will teach you how to increase your impressions in the google search engine
  • I will teach you how to increase the clicks to your website

All students will get the Meta Slider Pro plugin as part of the class.

Meta Slider Valued at over $20 – MetaSlider has a beautiful, intuitive interface that will let you create stunning slideshows with ease. Your slideshows will adapt to the width of the device they’re being displayed on. Want fancy HTML slides? Video support? A live theme editor? Thumbnail navigation? Plenty of advanced customisation options? We’ve got you covered!

All students will get the pretty links pro edition plugin as part of the class.

SEO Optimization

Pretty Links Pro – Valued at over $100 a year – Pretty Links is a WordPress plugin that helps you to shrink, cloak, track, organize, and share short links using your domain name and brand.

Pretty Links is more than a mere Affiliate Link Cloaker or URL Shortener — it will revolutionize how you approach your business by allowing you to automate repetitive tasks, optimize your site with split-testing, see the results of your campaigns immediately and virally spread your links — including all your affiliate links within minutes.

Now if that is not a bargain then I don't know what is. The price of 2 of these plugins alone cost more than the course itself.

What are some more things that you will learn in this course?

SEO Ranking techniques that will improve your website ranking in google search engines

SEO Ranking strategies that will attract more visitors to your Blog or Website

How to grow your business through on page SEO

How to determine the best keywords to use for your SEO Ranking Strategy

SEO Ranking techniques that will improve your blog in google search engines

Track and Increase visits to your Blog from google search console

Track and Increase your google impressions through google search console

So, with that in mind go ahead and enroll today and let's get THE WEBSITE RANKING of your blog or website climbing up the charts of google.

My target students are those that are absolute beginners to WordPress SEO and want to increase the ranking of your website in the google search engine, which you will be able to do after taking this course.

SEO for Beginners

Have you been search for a good seo course online for beginners? Do you have a desire to learn search engine optimization, but thought man I don’t have thousands of dollars to pay for an SEO Workshop and not only that, SEO is just too complicated?

Keeping SEO basic and simple:

Well, in this course you will learn SEO step by step and my goal is to make sure that you understand the basics of SEO.

If I can learn SEO believe me then I know you can learn SEO. Let me prove it to you in this course.

search engine optimization marketing

30-Day Money Back Guanrantee

As a beginner to SEO – If you don’t learn basic SEO techniques that help your website to get more clicks, impressions or move up the rankings in google, from this course, then there is a 30-day money back guarantee.

That is how confident I am of the SEO optimization techniques that you will learn in this course and that they will work.

In this specialized google seo training course, I will show you how to get impressions, clicks and increase your website ranking in the google search engine. I will be your SEO trainer that walks you through the SEO tutorial step by step.

Intro to SEOI know you may be thinking SEO – I don’t think I have time for that. Well in this course you will see how simple it is to start ranking your website and blog using these simple SEO tools.

This is a course that will take the complete beginner to SEO and give you knowledge and practical things that you can do to start increasing and boost your ranking in the google search engine.

Instead of paying a SEO company hundreds of dollars and still not getting the results you want. I am going to show you what I have personally done to increase my SEO rankings and how you can also increase your ranking in the google search engines, with simple SEO Strategies.


Believe it or not every SEO reporting software that I am going to show you how to use is FREE. Yes, even google themselves gives you FREE SEO reporting software that you can use to boost your rankings on google.

Google Analytics FREE

Google Analytics is a freemium web analytics service offered by google that tracks and reports website traffic, currently as a platform inside the Google Marketing Platform brand. Google launched the service in November 2005.

Google Analytics is now the most widely used web analytics service on the web. Google Analytics also provides an SDK that allows gathering usage data from iOS and Android Apps, known as Google Analytics for Mobile Apps

Google Search Console FREE 

Google Search Console is a no-charge web service by Google for webmasters. It allows webmasters to check indexing status and optimize visibility of their websites. As of May 20, 2015, Google rebranded Google Webmaster Tools as Google Search Console. With Google search console you can even track your search engine positioning with the click of a button.

Google Keyword Planner FREE

Google Ads Keyword Planner is a keyword research tool that allows you to find the right keywords to target for display ads, search ads, video ads, and app ads.Discover new keywords.Start by searching words or phrases related to your products or services. Keyword Planner works to find the keywords that are most relevant to your business. You can then pick keywords you like and add them to your plan.

Compare keywords trends.

Get suggested bid estimates and see how often keywords are searched and how their search volume changes over time. That way, you can narrow down your keyword list and set your budget for the keywords you really want.

Create and share your plan.

When you have a plan you like, you can save it to your account or share your plan with others. Then, you can create ad groups and set bids for each keyword before turning your campaign on.

Complimentary WordPress SEO Plugin FREEPlus, I give you a complimentary a copy of one of the best WordPress SEO plugins out today and it is called SEO Press. I don’t only give you the FREE version as complimentary gift for being a student, but I give you access to the Pro Version of SEO Press.

There are many WordPress plugins our there. You have the yoast SEO plugin, you have SEOPressor, you have long tail pro and many more, but with enrollment of my class I will give you a complimentary copy of SEO Press Pro Edition.

Some of the features that you get with SEO Press:Google XML Video Sitemap

Google Structured Data Types

Google Local Business

Google Suggest

Dublin Core

Redirections 301




Google Analytics Stats in Dashboard

Google News Sitemap

404 monitoring


Manage default WordPress RSS

URL Rewriting

More Features of the SEO Press Plugin?

  • Titles and MetasManage your titles, meta description, meta robots (noindex, nofollow, noodp, noimageindex, noarchive, nosnippet…) for very post, page, custom post type, archive page.
  • XML SitemapsImprove Search Engines crawling by providing XML sitemaps of your posts, pages, custom post types, terms taxonomy
  • Google AnalyticsGDPR compatible. Track everything about your visitors, create custom dimensions, exclude users, enable remarketing and more.
  • Be SocialImprove social networks sharing with Open Graph tags (Facebook and Pinterest, Twitter Card, Google Knowledge Graph and more.
  • Improve Woocommerce SEO
  • Disable indexing on customer account pages, checkout and cart, add Open Graph Price and Currency.
  • Google Page SpeedCheck your site performance, get your Google Score and suggestions to improve speed.
  • Backlinks
  • Check your backlinks with Majestic right into your WordPress dashboard (Majestic API Required)
  • Broken Link Checker
  • The SEOPress bot crawl your content to quickly find errors in your links.
  • All the features you need in one WordPress SEO plugin and so much more…

At the end of this course you will be able to answer these questions:

  • What is CTR?
  • How do you figure out your CTR?
  • What is a keyword?
  • How many keywords should someone target when doing SEO?
  • What is the best way to decide on the keywords to use?
  • What does SEO stand for?
  • What are the best tools for SEO analysis?

Ask a Question 24/7 Section:

Also, at any time if you have any questions about what is being discussed in any of the lectures you can post your question in our class discussion section. I will do my best to offer WordPress SEO help to any question you may have about what is being discussed in the course. My goal is to have a SEO class for beginners that is easy to understand and that will get you results.

I have spent much time and effort on the lectures in this course to try and keep them straight to the point. Because in this SEO training course because my goal is for you to be able to practice what is being taught, not for you just to have a lot of information that you don’t understand.

So once again if at anytime time you have questions about what is being discussed or need some help understanding any of the lectures, I will try my best to help you out and make sure that you understand.

Here is a Testimony from one of the students:The instructor did a very good job of explaining everything, so it was very understandable. The questions were very helpful. Bill Brooks

Want to learn Google SEO Optimization?

If you have a desire to learn Google SEO optimization, looking for an easy to follow SEO course, or you are a beginner to SEO and you are ready to take your SEO training to another level, then this SEO training course is designed for you.

The tips and techniques you are going to learn in this class can also be applied for ecommerce search engine optimization, small business SEO and who knows maybe even start your own seo optimization company.

Instead of looking for an affordable SEO company and give your money to a high cost professional SEO company – take this course and start doing on page SEO yourself and save tons of money. You can be your own Search engine Optimisation company.

Not just knowledge but actual results

I have personally applied the tips and techniques that you will be learning in this course and I can see a huge improvement in my website rankings on google.

So, if you want to optimize your website for your small business, church, or music group, then you should enroll today.

You have nothing to lose as this class comes with a 30-day money back guarantee.

You don’t have to be an expert SEO artist to get your rankings to climb the charts in google.

I walk will you through step-by-step on how you can increase your visitors, increase your website impressions and increate the clicks to your website using the web analysis process. This exciting thing is that everything I am going to teach you in this course can be done for FREE!!! Who doesn't want to improve their Website Ranking for FREE?

Even if you are a complete beginner to SEO, this class is designed just for you. I am by no means an SEO Expert, but I do have a little experience and have used these techniques to improve my Website Ranking in the google search engines for many of my websites .

In this SEO for Beginners Course:

  • I will teach you how to track your visitors

  • I will teach you how to optimize your Title Tag for SEO

  • I will teach you how to optimize your Meta Description for SEO

  • I will teach you how to optimize your On Page SEO

  • I will teach you how to increase your impressions in the google search engine

  • I will teach you how to increase the clicks to your website

All students will get the Meta Slider Pro plugin as part of the class.

Meta Slider Valued at over $20 – MetaSlider has a beautiful, intuitive interface that will let you create stunning slideshows with ease.  Your slideshows will adapt to the width of the device they’re being displayed on. Want fancy HTML slides? Video support? A live theme editor? Thumbnail navigation? Plenty of advanced customisation options? We’ve got you covered! 

All students will get the pretty links pro edition plugin as part of the class.

Pretty Links Pro – Valued at over $100 a year – Pretty Links is a WordPress plugin that helps you to shrink, cloak, track, organize, and share short links using your domain name and brand.

Pretty Links is more than a mere Affiliate Link Cloaker or URL Shortener — it will revolutionize how you approach your business by allowing you to automate repetitive tasks, optimize your site with split-testing, see the results of your campaigns immediately and virally spread your links — including all your affiliate links within minutes.

Now if that is not a bargain then I don't know what is. The price of 2 of these plugins alone cost more than the course itself.

seo for beginners

What are some more things that you will learn in this course?

SEO Ranking techniques that will improve your website ranking in google search engines

SEO Ranking strategies that will attract more visitors to your Blog or Website

How to grow your business through on page SEO

How to determine the best keywords to use for your SEO Ranking Strategy

SEO Ranking techniques that will improve your blog in google search engines

Track and Increase visits to your Blog from google search console

Track and Increase your google impressions through google search console

So, with that in mind go ahead and enroll today and let's get THE WEBSITE RANKING of your blog or website climbing up the charts of google.

My target students are those that are absolute beginners to WordPress SEO and want to increase the ranking of your website in the google search engine, which you will be able to do after taking this course.

Blog: SEO For Beginners: Learn SEO Optimization

SEO For Beginners: Seo Basics to increase your website Ranking

What are the SEO Basics?

Have you ever wanted to learn how to do SEO, but thought to yourself it is just to complicated?Well I have been there and in this blog I will show you some basic SEO Tips and Techniques that you can use to boost your SEO ranking in the Google Search Engine.


What is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization.

This is where you basically put keywords in your blog or website content that you feel people are looking for in the search engines to find your content. Whether that search engine is google, bing or yahoo.

SEO is not that complicated?

I have ranked many of my websites higher in the search engines with the tips and techniques that I will be sharing with you in this blog.

Tip 1: Google Searc​h Console:

Google search console is one of the most powerful tools that you will use when it comes to Search Engine Optimization and SEO Ranking. The best part about using this SEO tool is that it is completely FREE.

This tool allows you to index your website in the google search engine. Basically it tells google that your website exist.

If you would like to set up your own google search console account click here.

I also have an seo course that you can enroll in that will walk you through each of these points step by step with videos that you can replay and with SEO resources. If you would like to enroll in this course I would like to give you a great price by clicking here.

SEO for beginners: Google SEO Basics |Boost website rankings.

Tip 2: Google Analytics:

The next thing that I would is set up a google analytics account. This allows you track all kinds of information that takes place on your website – Such as

  • Who is visiting your site
  • How long they stay on your site
  • The bounce Rate of your site
  • How you attract users (Such as referrals, direct hits, social media and organic traffic)
  • How are your active users trending over time
  • How well do you retain users (Bounce Rate)
  • When do your users visit
  • Where are your users
  • What are the top devices that users are on when they visit your site
  • What pages do your users visit
  • And so much more…Get Google Analytics Now

Tip 3: Keyword Research:

One of the best Keyword Research tools that I have used is called ubersuggest. This is a free keyword tool that allows you to search long tail keywords and also see the keywords that your competitors are using to rank their websites.

Tip 4: Add Keywords to your content:

Once you find out a list of your keyword you want to put them in the content of your website or blog.

Example: I type in SEO Ranking and for search results I get:

– SEO Ranking Checker- SEO Ranking Tool- SEO Rank Monitor- SEO Ranking of a Website

The goal is to add these keywords to the content on the web page or blog that you are trying rank in the google search engine.

I have applied these simple steps and my websites are getting more clicks, more visitors, more impressions and they are climbing in the google search engine.

Please let me know if you have any questions. 

Learn seo in our online course


If you would like a step by step guide on how to do more advanced seo for your website click here.
